Noble Live-in Care

Truly personalized live in care service, committed care professionals with recognised qualifications and DBS Checks. Consistent support, enabling, empowering approach to maintain independent living at Home.

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Noble Live -in Care is exactly as it sounds, a Live-in care worker will live with you in your own home, often becoming a trusted, welcomed friend. They'll be on hand 24/7 to help with everything from personal care and medical matters to housework and social activities for Adults of 18yrs plus, we can even assist you at college, work or on holiday. 

You can have as much or as little support and privacy as you need on any given day. Live-in care offers the ultimate flexibility, choice and control while enabling you to stay at home. 

Rapid Start

Trained staff

DBS checked

Continuity of Carer

The latest Care Management Technology

A fully managed service with 24hr on call 

Locality Managers

We assist with Catheter, Convene and Stoma care, PEG feeds and physiotherapy excercises.

We work with privately funded, partially funded or wholly Local authority/NHS funded Clients. 

Factsheets are available on request.