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Alternative Education (Youth Connect South West)

At YCSW we offer dynamic Alternative Education programmes for young people who cannot access mainstream education and have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). These programmes are run in partnership with B&NES Council and Bath College.

We have three programmes within our Alternate Education provision. Please visit our website for more information and how to apply.

Learning for Work is a course for young people who cannot access mainstream college provision. We succeed in engaging young people in education. The course is for young people who have previously had disrupted schooling and whom often believe that the education system does not meet their needs. Our flexible approach puts the young person at the heart of what we do, letting them shape their future. The staff build genuine and supportive relationships with students, modelling resilience and determination and not giving up, providing young people with the support they need, when they need it. Key workers ensure students are kept safe, working collaboratively with families, carers and other professionals. The programme offers an individualised, inclusive, creative curriculum, helping students work towards their goals and become the people they want to be.

The Partnership for Learning course is for young people who require a more flexible personalised learning offer and are socially isolated, have high levels of anxiety/mental health needs. We provide very flexible support, this can be provided at home, in the community or at our youth and community hub. We work together with young people, families and carers to identify a personalised learning journey and build confidence to access wider community options.

Educational Support Packages. These individual packages are completely bespoke, they provide young people with an opportunity to develop a positive relationship with a Key Worker who can support them to access positive activities and qualifications. Education Support Packages can help young people re-engage with education or they can run alongside an education placement when more support is needed. They can be used to provide a young person with additional help during a transition between placements. A standard Education Support Package offers 6 hours a week 1 to 1 support. There are opportunities to get involved with activities in the community, cookery, art, music, sporting activities and the chance to join in with small group work sessions at our centre. Young people can complete ASDAN short courses and a Bronze Level Art Awards. Education Support Packages are available for young people aged 13 – 25 with an Education Health and Care Plan; these placements must be agreed with BANES Special Educational Needs Department. Please contact YCSW or your SEND Practitioner for more information.