Mental Health Support Team (MHST) in Schools (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS)
The MHST is available to 45% of BANES schools who have been selected to be part of this programme.
The MHST provides low intensity, 6-8 sessions of CBT to children experiencing anxiety, low mood, low self-esteem, behavioural difficulties in under 10’s and lifestyle management advice. Our Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP’s) provide interventions directly with secondary school pupils but to parents / carers for the majority of Primary School pupils to help the parent / carer implement strategies for anxiety and behavioural difficulties. EMHP’s also provide groups, staff training, staff consultation, peer mentoring, assemblies and support the Whole School Approach audit.
The designated Mental Health lead in the school can make referrals to the MHST. Any referrals that are not accepted receive signposting to other services which can offer support.
Age: 5 to 18 years