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We have over 200 childcare providers listed throughout Bath and North East Somerset, all of which are Ofsted registered. Use the search below to find childcare providers in your area.

Please note: We don’t provide information about every childminder in Bath & North East Somerset. This is because there are some childminders who do not wish for their details to be made available publicly; because they currently have no vacancies or other personal reasons. We ask all childcare providers to add a link to their Local Offer document for children with SEND within their listing. If they have not added this on their listing, please contact the provider directly.

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Riverside Nursery

01225 316639

Riverside Nursery has been in heart of the city centre of Bath for over three years. We take care of children from birth to 5 years.

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Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to their full potential.

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Sara Gill

0117 9857357

I have 11 years experience of working with children as a childminder and five years experience of working with ages 2 to 4 at a local pre-school.    

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Sarah Fear


The childcare I offer is at Greatwood Cottage Pre-School and we arw open Monday to Friday 9.30am - 2.30pm. It is term time only for children aged between 2 years and 5 years.

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Sarah Hutchinson

01761 415555

I have 4 children, 18,16,10 and 8 months.

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Shannon Gregory

07398 172694

Qualified early years childminder in Keynsham. 

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Simone Sproates

07765 708422

I will provide a warm, friendly, safe home environment with a family atmosphere in which I will include involvement in activities such as cooking, shopping, gardening and family

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Snapdragons Nursery Grosvenor - Day Nursery.

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