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We have over 200 childcare providers listed throughout Bath and North East Somerset, all of which are Ofsted registered. Use the search below to find childcare providers in your area.

Please note: We don’t provide information about every childminder in Bath & North East Somerset. This is because there are some childminders who do not wish for their details to be made available publicly; because they currently have no vacancies or other personal reasons. We ask all childcare providers to add a link to their Local Offer document for children with SEND within their listing. If they have not added this on their listing, please contact the provider directly.

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Monkton Muckers

01225 721116

The individuality of our childcare programme at Monkton is the key to our success.

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Multi Sports holiday courses for children in school years reception - year 7

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Our popular Active Camps give children access to a variety of sports and games in a safe, engaging and friendly environment.

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October Half Term 2021-  We'll be running; Tuesday 19th October, Wednesday 20th October, Thursday 21st October. 

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Tania Orgill

07780 673 229

I am a Level 3 Forest School Leader, Nature Connections Guide and registered Childminder (but not working as a traditional childminder).

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Holiday playscheme at The Hut for disabled children aged 5-12 years.

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Tiddlers Pre-School & Chuckles - Registered Holiday Scheme. Outstanding setting, brand new purpose built.     

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Timsbury Childcare - Registered Holiday Scheme. We can take children between 0- 11 years old. We have a large garden and have access to the park.

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We provide an inspiring and rich environment where children can learn new skills, work with natural materials and explore the magic of woodland.

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