Mentoring Plus

Mentoring Plus supports young people in Bath & North East Somerset who are facing challenges. We help 5-25 year olds feel connected through award-winning mentoring schemes, youth clubs and inspiring activities programmes in our community.

Volunteer Mentoring 11-21 (21-25 with SEND diagnosis) work with 30 young people each quarter with young people matched with a volunteer mentor for up to 12 months. Applications to refer to this service can be made by schools, professionals, parents, or young people and full referrals are selected using a random ballot due to high demand.

Primary Volunteer Mentoring 7-11 work with 24 young people across the year. Schools refer directly to this service twice a year, with support commencing in September or January. Young people are matched with a volunteer mentor for up to 12 months.

Professional Mentoring 5-25 If a young person has an EHCP they may be able to access our Professional Mentoring Service; applications for this service need to be made by a school or other professional who can confirm how the service will be funded.  Young people are matched with a professional mentor who can support young people at a higher level of need than volunteer mentoring.

Student and Family Support (SAFS) 4-16 work with 36 young people of primary and secondary school age at any one time. SAFS provides young people, their families, and schools with individual packages to support Managed Moves or to reintegrate students back into school following a Fair Access decision. SAFS can also support students whose attendance is less than 80% over a 1-year period and carry out Preventative interventions. Referrals to SAFS are made by schools.

Activities and Groups

Riverside Youth Club offers 11-19 year olds a safe and familiar space with a choice of activities including music, sport and arts and crafts, always with a tasty hot meal and lots of opportunity to chat and play games. There’s a floodlit ball court, garden and activity trips for members in school holidays too. It’s an open access setting suitable for all young people, and experienced youth workers are able to make adjustments to support young people with additional needs such as ASD, ADHD and similar if they are able to benefit from a group setting.

Venue: Riverside Youth Hub, York Place, Bath, BA1 6AE

Times: every Wednesday (6.30pm - 8.30pm) and Thursday (6.00pm - 8.00pm) in term time.