Money support and advice for adults

Search for groups, organisations, and services that provide support with managing your money.

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  • User warning: Rollback attempted when there is no active transaction. This can cause data integrity issues. in Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql\TransactionManager->rollbackClientTransaction() (line 77 of core/modules/mysql/src/Driver/Database/mysql/TransactionManager.php).
  • Warning: Undefined array key "665add6c4d61d7.93251446" in Drupal\Core\Database\Transaction\TransactionManagerBase->voidStackItem() (line 170 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Transaction/TransactionManagerBase.php).

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  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Freeways Floating Support Service - B&NES

    | Tel: 01225 830416

    Floating Support is a short term service for adults with learning disabilities or dual mental health diagnosis who require support in relation to their housing, debt or benefits.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Penderels Trust

    | Tel: 01452 411000

    We are a charity that supports people with disabilities to live independently. Most of the people we support have a direct payment for their care and support. We provide advice and guidance to support people to get the most from their direct payment. We are an approved provider in Bath and North East Somerset.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice


    Providing radios, televisions, and tablet computers, free of charge, to people who are lonely and can’t afford to buy the technology themselves.