Bath & Bristol Parenting Hub C.I.C.

We provide support for parents of school-aged children predominantly, through parenting courses, parenting 1:1 support and broader parent and family support courses. These include Positive Parenting (Triple P), child nutrition, anxiety and resilience building. We deliver both online and face-to-face courses in Bath and Bristol. This course is adults, parents, children and families together. Groups of approximately 10 adults work really well. It can be delivered for groups of up to 30 children, or 10 parents and 10 children. We like to deliver face-to-face. Often our courses take place in schools and community centres. We do also deliver this course online.

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Triple P Parenting

Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme), is what’s known as an ‘evidence-based’ parenting programme. This means it’s tried and tested and proven to work. Designed and created by clinical psychologists from Queensland University, Australia, Triple P has been running for over 30 years, and is used in countries across the world. We really believe in the programme and have seen huge success reported by many, many parents who have taken part in the programme with us. It’s practical, realistic and very useable. Parents go home with strategies to try out every week and see improvements very early on that grow and grow.

Resilience Skills

Resilience needs to be grown, nurtured and encouraged. If it were a plant, it would be watered by adversity. You could say that resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It affects a person’s ability to learn and is also linked with social and emotional skills, personal characteristics and mindset. It’s a process that takes time and requires several supporting skills, for instance: putting problems into perspective: reframing; putting plans into action; having a positive mindset or outlook; and communicating with others. As people build resilience it builds self-worth and confidence. 

This course is adults, parents, children and families together. Groups of approximately 10 adults work really well. It can be delivered for groups of up to 30 children, or 10 parents and 10 children. We like to deliver face-to-face. Often our courses take place in schools and community centres. We do also deliver this course online.

Child Nutrition

This course supports and empowers parents in their journey to provide optimal nutrition for their children. We understand the challenges and dilemmas parents face when it comes to mealtimes, fussy eating, and developing healthy eating habits. Parents often ask, how do I get my child to eat enough, to eat healthy options, to try new food? How do I know what’s healthy and what I should avoid? Does food really have an impact on their behaviour? What can I do as a parent to set a good example? We answer all of these questions, whilst personalising it to your specific needs, so if you have a particular challenge, we’ll make sure we cover it.

We offer this short-course as a 2-week programme. These group sessions are delivered weekly for 2 hours.

Anxiety Busters

Anxiety and worries can come in all shapes, forms and sizes, and can be triggered by a wide range of factors, linked to friendships, relationships, family life, school, work, expectations, health and many other things. We all have the capacity to manage anxiety but it takes practice, time, dedication, and resilience, and it can be a matter of trial and error before we find a strategy or series of hacks that work for us. Methods: CBT – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy forms a large part of this course. You’ll recognise some well-known and well-regarded strategies and tools taken from this model, however it has been remodelled for a younger audience. Resources are child-friendly and designed for parents to work through, alongside their children. Everything is practical, easy to access and can be used straight away. Resources are provided digitally for downloading and printing, and lots of support is given to understand how to use these tools effectively.

We offer this course as a 5 or 6-week programme. Each session is 2hrs in duration, which are delivered weekly. This course is for ANY and ALL parents who have children aged 7 – 13 years. We run parent-only courses and we also run course where both parents and children attend together.