Oldfield School

A mainstream co-educational secondary school (11-18) with a student resource base.

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Oldfield School is a successful, high attaining 11-18 mixed comprehensive with 1250 students located in the historic city of Bath. The school campus is on the outskirts of the north-west of the city and we benefit from a large, semi-rural setting with excellent transport links for students and staff. The school has an attractive, open and dispersed site. A notable feature is the location of teaching rooms and our Sixth Form in Penn House, an 18th century Georgian manor house. Our school has an excellent reputation locally and in the wider community for academic excellence and the quality of pastoral care and support. The school has with a comprehensive intake which reflects the diversity of the local community. 

Oldfield School has a Specialist Resource Base (SRB) for children and young people with a diagnosis of high functioning autism and who are able to access a mainstream education with the additional wrap around support the SRB provides.