Hospital Education and Reintegration Service

The Hospital Education and Reintegration Service (HERS) offers teaching and support/advice to children and young people who cannot attend school because of health medical needs. This service is being provided in B&NES by The Mendip School, a member of The Partnership Trust.

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HERS will offer a bespoke package which could take the form of on-site learning at Abbot Alphege Academy, one-to-one tutoring, small group teaching and on-line learning.

This service is for children in years 1 to 11. 

In order to refer to this service, please email us for the appropriate referral forms. Referrals can be made by schools/academies for children residing in B&NES, in conjunction with a range of medical professionals such as consultants, paediatricians, the Chronic Fatigue Service, Children Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and the Attendance & Welfare Support Service.

Opening hours

08.30 to 17.00 Monday to Friday term time only.