Age UK Bath & North East Somerset - At Home

Sometimes the list of all the practical ‘must dos’ in the home can get overwhelming, so our At Home Service takes care of your day-to-day tasks, taking the burden off you and freeing you up to do more things that you enjoy or to simply relax.

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Supporting you At Home

We are passionate about people remaining as independent as possible in their homes so it may be that you need a bit of extra practical help to make this a reality, or some support whilst you are looking after a partner. Whatever the reason, a little help can go a long way.

What to expect?

If you would like some extra support, we will discuss how we can best help and then one of our trusted Wellbeing Support Workers will visit you.
We can help with practical tasks in and outside the home or be there for company. For many, a regular visit from an Age UK Bath & North East Somerset care worker isn't just about practical help round the home, they also become a good friend.