Age UK Bath & North East Somerset: Social Groups

Our Social Groups run across Bath & North East Somerset and are an enjoyable way to make friends, have a laugh and try out different activities in a fun and friendly environment. We pride ourselves on the positive feel of our day clubs, where our club members are central to what we do, and activities are shaped by what you are interested in.

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What to expect?

As well as having a chance to make new friends, we have varied activities including crafts, singing, exercise, quizzes and regular entertainment that keeps the group engaging, upbeat and fun.
You will also have a chance to discuss any other ways you might like to get connected within the community as well as help shape and inform the work of our charity.

We provide transport, a two-course lunch and drinks.


Bath (St Michaels's Centre): Monday, Thursday & Friday.
Midsomer Norton (Orchard Hall): Monday & Thursday. 
Keynsham (Baptist Church): Tuesday & Friday.


We provide a two-course hot lunch, transport and all activities for £27.50. (Option of reduced rate call 01225 466135.)