BASS (Bristol Autism Spectrum Service)

BASS is an NHS out-patient service that offers specialist, multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment to adults suspected of being autistic, in addition to a range of post-diagnostic support. We deliver post-diagnostic support through the Autism Advice Service, where you can access advice, support, social networks and learn about resources in your local community.

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Who are we?

The Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (BASS) is an NHS out-patient service that offers specialist, multi-professional diagnostic assessment to adults who may be autistic, in addition to a range of post-diagnostic support.

We deliver post-diagnostic support through the Autism Advice Service, where you can access advice, support, social networks and learn about resources in your local community.

The BASS Autism Advice Service covers four areas – Bristol, Bath and Northeast somerset (BANES), North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Who works in the advice service?

The BASS team is made up of a range of professionals who specialise in working with autistic individuals.

Professionals in our team include Nurses, Assistant Psychologists, Autism Community Link Workers, Speech and Language Therapists and a Training and Liaison team.

How to access the Autism Advice Service:
We will need to see an individual’s full diagnostic report to access the service.
Once accepted an individual will need to attend an initial appointment to assess their needs and interests, prior to accessing the advice service.

What Kind of support can someone access?

One to one appointments:
Individuals can book an appointment with a professional about autism specific
strengths and difficulties, relationships, reasonable adjustments, housing, benefits,
education, anxiety, and stress management.

Workshops and groups:

Currently we run different workshops throughout the year including:
- Low mood workshop
- Relationships workshop
- Sleep, exercise and diet workshop

The following groups are pre-bookable and run a certain number of times per year so there may be a wait to join:
- Six week ‘Being Autistic’ Course
- Four week ‘Understanding Anxiety’ course

Autism Community Link Working/ Social Prescriber:

For the BANES service we have a Social Prescriber involved from DHI. They can  help you look at how to overcome barriers to improve your wellbeing; this could be on issues such as – housing, financing, relationships, or activities.
They offer an initial short phone conversation, then up to five sessions lasting
about 50 minutes.
The sessions can take place in person at a convenient location, or by phone or video