Housing options and support directory

Find services and groups that can help with housing.

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Find services and groups that can help with housing.

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  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Autism Supported Housing

    | Tel: 01225 424428

    We offer an 8-bed supported housing project in Bath for Adults with a diagnosis of Autism. The intention is for all residents to move into independent living within two years.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice


    | Tel: 01225 366000

    A West of England housing association, Curo provides great homes and high quality care and support services across the region.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice


    | Tel: 0300 303 9001

    Dimensions supports people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs out of institutions, helping them lead ordinary lives in their local communities.