Bath Area Play Project (BAPP)

BAPP offer play opportunities to children and young people living in B&NES through after school sessions, holiday clubs and Saturday clubs.

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Children who attend BAPP playschemes, playdays and family play sessions come because they want to:

  • Have a go at something they can’t do at home or something new
  • Meet with friends and have a drink and chat
  • Make up games in a safe environment
  • Play where they know there are adults if they need them
  • Socialise with a wider group of people including adults
  • Access equipment and resources they might not have at home
  • Do things on a bigger or messier scale than at home or school

Our services include: The Family Support Play service, Free nurture groups in schools, Short breaks provision for children with additional needs, holiday play services, inclusive family play sessions & our nursery & preschool.

Visit the Holiday Playschemes page for more information on this. 

Life Skills Sessions, Bath Area Play Project
Weekly sessions for disabled children and children with additional needs aged 12+ years. Term time only from September through to December. Thursdays 4-6pm, at Odd Down Community Centre.