Safe Link

We provide independent support for anyone (women, men, children) who has been the victim of rape and sexual abuse across the whole of Avon and Somerset area. You do NOT have to report to the police to access our services. We also provide women’s mental health and domestic abuse support services.

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We are here to help

  • Rape and Sexual Assault is nothing to be ashamed of
  • You do not need to keep it a secret
  • You are not on your own
  • You can talk to us in total confidence
  • You do not have to report to the police to access our services
  • You can just talk to us once or if you want we can give ongoing support


We offer a 'live chat' or telephone support: 

Live chat is available Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Telephone support is available 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday