Home Library Service from Bath and North East Somerset Libraries

Library at Home is for Bath & North East Somerset residents who aren't able to access their local library services for a number of reasons.

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Volunteers deliver books, phone for a chat, select books for you, or stay for a chat as you work together to get to know one another and share your interests.



Library at Home services are for B&NES residents. The support can be short-term or long-term, depending on your needs.

The service is provided for people who are living in the following circumstances:

  • you are living in sheltered housing, an adult residential or nursing home
  • you are living with a long-term illness or disability
  • you have a sensory impairment
  • you have profound or severe learning difficulties
  • you are suffering from poor mental health or social and cultural isolation
  • you have a short-term need for help (for example, following an operation)
  • you are a carer who is unable to leave the home for any length of time

For more information, including how to join, visit the webpage

Opening hours

Please see website for current opening times