Avon Fire & Rescue - Home Fire Safety Visits

Avon Fire & Rescue offer free Home Fire Safety Visits to vulnerable people in our communities, to keep them safer from fire in their homes. During our visits we talk about fire safety and install smoke alarms and potentially other fire safety equipment, free of charge. You can find out more about our visits and the eligibility criteria on our website.

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The Home Fire Safety Visit covers the following topics, specific to your own circumstances:

  1. fitting and testing smoke alarms or CO alarms
  2. avoiding electrical fires
  3. using candles safely
  4. smoking safety
  5. cooking safety
  6. having an escape route
  7. planning a night time routine
  8. what to do if you have a fire in your home

We can also offer different fire safety equipment if appropriate, and with your consent, signpost and refer to further support services.