Boys in Mind/Girls Mind Too

We believe that by understanding and addressing the particular barriers boys and young men face and challenging unhelpful notions of what it means to be a man we can begin to improve male mental health and ultimately reduce male suicide rates.

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We aim to reduce the stigma and isolation which often exists for boys and young men, enabling them to:

  • Talk about problems when they arise and ask for support when they need it
  • Know that other boys and young men share similar challenges and feelings
  • Care about themselves and each other and be able to demonstrate this
  • Show emotion and cry when they need to
  • Explore and challenge unhelpful, inaccurate and misleading stereotypes about what it is to be a man

We work with schools and other organisations to challenge unhelpful stereotypes, combat stigma around mental health and ultimately prevent suicide. we develop and produce films and other resources to support our aims. We provide a platform for children and young people to discuss issues affecting them.