Introduction to B&NES SEND Local Offer

Here we explain what the SEND Local Offer is, and how you can use to support your child with additional needs.

What is a SEND Local Offer?

Every Local Authority is required to publish information about the services and provisions available across education, health and social care to young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). This is required under the SEND Code of Practice 2015. 

Bath and North East Somerset's (B&NES) SEND Local Offer can be found on Live Well B&NES. This is the source of information for young people with SEND and their families and includes information about services provided by and commissioned through B&NES, alongside services provided in the community, by voluntary and charity groups across education, health and social care.

Watch our short video to find out what the Local Offer is, who it's for and how you can get involved. 

Who is the Local Offer for?

The SEND Local Offer is for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged between 0-25 years, their parent carers, families and anyone supporting them. 

We have produced a glossary of SEND related terms to enable you to further support and understand opportunities and processes you may encounter during your child or young person's SEND journey. 

What information is included in our Local Offer?

We have dedicated sections covering a range of topics including:

  • keeping safe;
  • holiday playschemes and short breaks;
  • health and wellbeing; 
  • education including Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs);
  • information, advice and support;
  • learning, skills and training;
  • social, leisure and community;
  • benefits and funding;
  • home to school transport;
  • Rainbow Resource Scheme.

There are various ways to explore our SEND Local Offer. We recognise that everyone's approach to exploring a website is different, so based on feedback all of the above can be found in a number of ways:

The site is co-produced with parent carers and young people with SEND, aswell as external stakeholders such as Parent Carer Forums. We regularly ask for feedback on the site to ensure it reaches its full potential. We publish this feedback on our feedback pages, and we welcome your thoughts at any time via our contact us pages.

Find out more information about being a parent carer of a young person with SEND. 

Neighbouring SEND Local Offers