What is the Independent Reviewing Service?
We provide a service to children and young people who are looked after by the local authority.
The IRO will ensure that children in care have regular reviews to fully consider their care plan and that where they live is suitable and promotes their needs.
Who can use the Independent Reviewing Service?
We support children and young people in care from birth to 18 years of age.
Where is this service based?
Independent Reviewing Service
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Lewis House
Manvers Street
Bath, BS31 1JG
How can I request support?
The Information Reviewing Officer (IRO) will reach out to the child or young person, their parents and carer via details from the Social Worker. Parents, carer, children and young people can also contact the allocated IRO directly using the contact details below.
How do I contact the service?
Email: Independent_ReviewingService@BATHNES.GOV.UK
Telephone: 01225 396463