Youth Connect South West

Information about the support Youth Connect South West can offer young people through activities and advice.

What do we offer?

Youth Connect South West provides a range of services for young people, from positive activities and advice through to individual support for those who need it the most for moving on into adulthood and work or training.

We also provide targeted individual work for young people who are vulnerable for difference reasons such as anxiety, low self esteem, anger management, school exclusion, at risk of becoming NEET (not in Education, Employment or Training) or being NEET.

We can offer additional support to those who may need help getting into training, education or employment. This is provided by engagement workers who can help with information about their next steps to College, alternative education or training providers, apprenticeships or paid employment. This work is carried out in Schools, Colleges and drop-in sessions at the Council One Stop Shops.

Youth Connect South West run Southside Youth hub which has a free to use soft play area for under 10's. 

We also offer room and facility hire, including the soft play for party bookings and a Sensory room, and will soon be launching our Community Library.

Who can access the service?

We work with young people aged 0-25 years.

Where can I access the service?

Youth work is delivered at Southside Youth Hub in Bath, Radstock, Westfield, as well as the mobile outreach hub service available in many locations across the area.

These provide a wide range of positive activities including sports, music, arts and craft, discussion groups plus advice and guidance on a range of issues affecting young people. All projects are part of the SAFE scheme which provides sexual health advice and C Cards.

How can I request support?

Just drop in to a Youth hub or call to arrange a visit.

For targeted services please phone the Youth Connect office or send an email, the team will give you the best way of getting the service to you.

Contact information

Telephone: 01225 396980

