
Time2Share@WECIL’s Befriending Service links disabled children and young people 1:1 with a volunteer ‘buddy’.

Our volunteer Befrienders offer a supportive and reliable relationship to a child/young person who would otherwise be socially isolated.  They can offer up to 2 hours of support per week, and are recruited in line with Local Authority safer recruitment guidance, which includes enhanced DBS checks, training and references.

The service gives disabled children and young people an opportunity to go out independently, increase their self-confidence and enjoy activities with their volunteer. Parents/carers and other family members get an opportunity for a much needed break or a chance to spend time doing something for themselves.

We currently offer support to disabled children and young people in Bristol and B&NES. In B&NES we are able to support 0-19 year olds.

Please note that whilst our volunteer Befrienders undertake training, we cannot guarantee that they will have the necessary experience in dealing with any specific needs. Our volunteers are not expected to administer medication, or assist with personal care. These factors should be taken into consideration when assessing a child or young person’s suitability for this service.