Clean Slate Training & Employment CIC
Our job is to do everything possible to enable people to improve their financial wellbeing. Everyone needs to be able to manage their money well, find work and access every facility to help them do so, including online services.
Our team of support workers are taking calls and emails from people who need to talk through money worries, your work options and ways to make more of the internet during the current crisis.
MONEY MATTERS We'll help you take control of your finances. We'll work with you on your budgeting and help you check you're getting all the financial support you are entitled to.
FINDING WORK We know how hard it can be to get back into work after periods of unemployment. We know this because everyone who works at Clean Slate has experienced this first hand. We'll help you look at your job goals, the things that might be holding you back and the steps you need to take to achieve your ideal job.
GETTING ONLINE 'Digital by default' is the phrase used by government and service providers across the UK, as they start to phase out paper applications for things like benefits or job applications. We know that not everyone is ready for this change, so drop in to a Clean Slate centre and we'll get you started on the basics of the internet. We'll help you set up an email address and look at the ways the internet can help us save time and money.