POhWER - Adult Advocacy

POhWER is a charity who provide information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion. We are an independent organisation, separate from the government, local councils, the NHS and other organisations that provide health and social care. Although some of these organisations pay us to provide advocacy this will never stop us from challenging them or representing the wishes and needs of the people we work with. All of our services are free to access and confidential.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) - An IMHA is an independent advocate supports people when they are sectioned under certain sections of the Mental Health Act to understand their rights under the Act and participate in decisions about their care and treatment. 
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) - An IMCA is an advocate who has been specially trained to support people who are not able to make certain decisions for themselves and do not have family or friends who are able to speak for them. IMCAs do not make decisions and they are independent of the people who do make the decisions.
Relevant Person’s Paid Representatives (RPPR) - Everyone who is deprived of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act must have a representative. This could be a family member or a friend but if there is no one suitable it could be a Paid Representative also known as a RPPR. POhWER’s RPPRs are qualified advocates who have specialist knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards legislation.
Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy - Our advocates can support you to use the complaints process to complain about any NHS funded treatment including care provided by NHS hospitals, GPs, pharmacies, ambulance services, dentists, district nurses, opticians and mental health services. If the NHS paid for treatment at a private hospital or pays all or part of someone’s care home fees this is also covered by the NHS complaints process.
Independent Care Act Advocacy - The Care Act says that local councils must involve people in decisions about their care and support needs.  If it would be difficult for someone to be involved without support the council must make sure they get the help they need. If the person doesn’t have someone who can help them they have the right to have an independent Care Act advocate.
Independent Adult Social Care Complaints Advocacy - We can support people who need help to make a complaint about social care services commissioned and/or provided by Bath & North East Somerset Council.