Visit one of our websites for mental health support and services in Bath and North East Somerset. You can also request a mental health act assessment, if you're concerned about someone who is at significant risk of hurting themselves or others.
Where to get help
If you're struggling to cope with day-to-day life, or are experiencing mental health issues which cannot wait, call any of the following people or organisations:
- The Samaritans on 116 123 (this is a free call)
- Your doctor (ask for an 'emergency' or 'same-day' appointment)
- Our Intensive Support Team (if you're currently supported by Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Trust) on 01225 36 28 14
Request a Mental Health Act assessment
Any age group can have an assessment. However, before you request an assessment under the Mental Health Act (where a person is detained for assessment and treatment), discuss this first with a keyworker, health or social care professional, or the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership (AWP), to see if there is an alternative way of ensuring someone's safety and well-being.
If there is no other alternative
If you're a relative or a health professional who believes someone urgently needs treatment for a mental health disorder, and is at risk of harm to themselves or others, call our Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) team on 01225 36 27 78 (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and until 4.30pm Fridays), or our Emergency Duty team on 01454 61 51 65 (after 5pm Monday to Friday, on weekends and bank holidays).
Find other mental health support
Most of these services are available to over 18 year olds with a mental health support need who also live in Bath and North East Somerset. To access them, you may need to be referred by one of the following:
- GP
- Local mental health service
- Adult health and social care team
- BANES Talking Therapies service
You can also self-refer for some of our services.
Reablement helps you deal with personal circumstances that may be causing mental distress and provides practical, emotional and social support in order to promote independence.
Reach provides advice on housing, benefits, and managing debts; it can also refer clients to other specialist agencies.
Second Step Floating Support
Second Step Floating Support is a short term service for people with mental health problems who are either finding it difficult to manage their tenancy and could be at risk of losing their home or are moving into a new tenancy and need support to do this.
Bath Mind
Bath Mind supports all aspects of your mental health and wellbeing. Good nutrition, exercise and relaxation are all important for mental and physical wellbeing. Their website has lots of great ideas and activities here to support your mental health and wellbeing.
Wellbeing Courses
The Wellbeing Courses has a great range of online and face to face courses available, including Mindfulness Meditation, Feel Good Walks and Knit and Natter.
Bath Mind
Bath Mind believe that nobody should face a mental health problem alone. They are here to make sure that everyone with, or at risk of, mental ill health has somewhere to turn to for information, advice and support.
Live Well B&NES
Our Live Well B&NES website offers support, signposting, resources and activities for anyone in need of mental health support, to enable everyone to live a full and independent life.
Wellbeing College
Wellbeing College offers lots of information about courses, activities and groups that are happening around Bath and North East Somerset to support people’s wellbeing.
Wellbeing House
Wellbeing House provides a place of sanctuary for people experiencing mental health distress. During a short residential stay (Monday to Friday) guests receive support to stabilise themselves and prevent escalation into secondary care.
Supported Independence
Supported Independence offers supported living for people with mental health problems, learning disabilities, challenging behaviour or alcohol abuse. It has 11 supported living houses, including 24 hour staffing and communal facilities. Each house also has an experienced manager who offers a unique service provision, tailored to the individual needs of the clients.
Marlborough House
Bath Mind's Supported Living service currently manages one property in Bath and one in Chippenham, Wiltshire and offers one bedroom flats with minimum support provided to support each tenant towards moving to independent living. Support with ‘moving on’ to independent accommodation within two years is also provided. Support workers work with each tenant on a one to one basis to support them to move forward with their move on and recovery goals.
Second Step Floating Support
Second Step Floating Support is a short term service for people with mental health problems who are either finding it difficult to manage their tenancy and could be at risk of losing their home or are moving into a new tenancy and need support to do this.
Mulberry House
Mulberry House provides housing and support services for clients diagnosed with severe and enduring mental health needs. Go to St Mungo's website and select the 'mental health filter' on the left-hand side to see details of Mulberry House and other places who offer mental health support services.
Employment Support Service
Our Employment Support Service is for adults experiencing difficulties in the workplace, due to or resulting in mental health problems. We offer support to both the individual and their employer to ensure that meaningful employment can continue.
Your local Jobcentre can help you find work and tell you about disability friendly employers. GOV.UK has some information about this, or you can search for your local Jobcentre and contact them directly.
Social care and support assessments
If you're not sure what help and support you need, or you think you need some financial support to access services, get a social care and support assessment