Community Equipment Service

The Community Equipment Service can loan items to support you to stay living at home independently.

What is community equipment?

Community equipment (items such as commodes, perching stools, Zimmer frames, pressure cushions, bathing equipment such as shower stools, in-bed positioning sheets) is provided free of charge, to support you to stay living at home independently, reducing the need to go into hospital or a care home. It can also be provided when you return home after a stay in hospital. 

How will it help me?

Community Equipment helps you to have greater control, independence, and safety. This could be in the long or short term, following medical treatment, a period of illness and/or a deterioration in your health or wellbeing which affects your ability to carry out usual day to day living activities.   

How do I access the service?

The Community Equipment Service provides equipment that has been prescribed by a health or social care professional (such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, community nurse, or in hospital) to support you to remain independent in your usual place of residence.   

How long can I have it and what's the cost?

Equipment is free, including delivery and will be collected free of charge when you no longer need it.

How do I return the equipment I have?

You can continue to use the item(s) until a Health or Social Care professional advises that you no longer need it, it is no longer suitable for your needs, or it is no longer required. 


If you no longer need the equipment then you can call us on 01225 39 67 17 and we will collect it for free. 

Other options 

Explore our Living Safely at home directory for other providers of community equipment and support to live independently.

Find out more

If you would like to make an enquiry on behalf of yourself or someone you care for, please call 01225 396717 or email