Personal Assistants

On this page you will find some information about Personal Assistants.

Personal Assistants provide support to individuals who need some support and assistance with daily tasks to enable them to continue living in their own community and often remain living in their own home.

Personal Assistants are often employed by the individual in need of support, or a representative of the individual if they do not have the mental or physical capacity to be the employer. They are usually paid through the individual’s personal budget or with their own money. 

You can find out more about employing a Personal Assistant by visiting Skills for Care.

Disability Rights UK also have more information employing a Personal Assistant, and your role as an employer.

Funding your Personal Assistant

You can use your personal budget to access funding for a Personal Assistant. Your Adult Social Care Social Worker will be able to provide information on accessing a personal budget, or you can find out more on the HCRG Direct Payments Service

Additional Support

WECIL support independent living in the South West, and can offer guidance on their website or by telephone on 0117 9479911.

Easy Read direct payment policy document.

Personal budgets and direct payments in social care guide from Age UK