University of Bath 'Today and tomorrow: living with vision impairment as a young person in the UK'

A research study looking to recruit up to 20 young people (between 16-24) with vision impairment to join a working group and create a tool that will help understand and improve key life transitions for this age group. A series of fun events and activities will take place, to provide an opportunity for young people to socialise with their peers and enjoy a gaming activity they may have never tried before, and for the research team to present the aims of the project.

Our research study (Ethics reference number: 23078) funded by Guide Dogs is entitled ‘’Today and Tomorrow: living with vision impairment as a young person in the UK’’ and we are a team of researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. Our aim is to work alongside these young people to understand the barriers and enablers that they experience in key transition periods of their lives.

We are looking for around 20 young people with vision impairment, aged between 16-24 years, to be part of our working group. These people could be based anywhere in the UK (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland). Those living far away can join the working group online and contribute through forum discussions. A payment of £100 will be provided to each young person in the working group. We can also cover travel expenses that do not exceed £100. We can pay for tickets in advance if preferred.

The following recruitment events and activities will take place:

VIRTUAL REALITY WORKSHOP, 3D sound and touch virtual reality interactive workshop. Friday 7 July 2023 10am-12.30pm, University of Bath.

Event in Cardiff University due to take place autumn 2023.