Our Time, Our Space ante-natal programme

An arts-based project for women experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression in pregnancy. For women to have time and space for themselves, gaining skills and coping strategies which may help to promote wellbeing, reduce anxiety and isolation and provide practical and emotional support during pregnancy. Delivered by Bright Start Children’s Centres and Creativity Works, as part of the Perinatal Emotional Wellbeing Partnership provision.

Pregnancy and the first year of motherhood can be a time of heightened emotions and where some women experience feelings of low mood including unhappiness, loneliness and anxiety. This can leave the mother feeling isolated, lacking in confidence or feeling like the demands of being a mum are overwhelming.

Our Time, Our Space is;

· Most suitable for women who are between 18-28 weeks pregnant at the start of the course.

· Classed as ‘antenatal care’ - if attending has been recommended by a doctor or midwife.

· An 8 week programme (each session lasts 1.5 hours) - run by experienced practitioners and taking place in a relaxed environment, with refreshments provided.

Sessions include:

Art-based activities  - no skill or experience needed

Relaxation for Labour  

Theraplay - supporting relationship-building with baby