
Find information on support groups and services for parents, carers and families.

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    1st Impressions

    Supporting women attending job interviews to create their best first impression!

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Action for M.E.

    | Tel: 0117 927 9551

    Our vision is a world without Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). Our mission is empowering people with M.E. to fulfil their potential and secure the care and support they need, while working towards a greater understanding of the illness and ultimately a cure. Alongside providing much-needed support services, we work closely with professionals and policy-makers to improve access to appropriate care and support services, and collaborate with scientists, patients and clinicians to drive forward biomedical research into M.E.

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    Activate: Holiday Activities and Food

    | Tel: 0121 227 4385

    Activate: Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme offers government funded holiday activities with a free meal for any child who is eligible for benefit related free school meals.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Avon Fire & Rescue Service - Home Fire Safety checklist

    | Tel: 07580680813

    This easy-to-follow home fire safety check will take you through your home one room at a time and the simple questions will help you spot fire risks as you go around your home. The questionnaire leads to an outcome of either fire safety information being sent to you or AF&RS offering a Home Fire Safety Visit.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Bath & Bristol Parenting Hub C.I.C.

    | Tel: 07779086892

    We provide support for parents of school-aged children predominantly, through parenting courses, parenting 1:1 support and broader parent and family support courses. These include Positive Parenting (Triple P), child nutrition, anxiety and resilience building. We deliver both online and face-to-face courses in Bath and Bristol. This course is adults, parents, children and families together. Groups of approximately 10 adults work really well. It can be delivered for groups of up to 30 children, or 10 parents and 10 children. We like to deliver face-to-face. Often our courses take place in schools and community centres. We do also deliver this course online.

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    Bath Multiples Group

    | Tel: 07791566004

    Bath's only twin and triplet group. Providing a safe and welcoming space for care giver and multiple to bond and have fun. We are at St Andrews Community Church every Friday 10-11:30am, term time only.

  • bussines, management, career, Bullets, list, menu, multiple choice

    Bath Toy Library

    | Tel: 07366 849160

    Baths oldest and only Toy Library. We lend toys to families living in Bath. We have 1000 toys plus dressing up clothes. Members can join us with a small membership charge annually and each child can borrow 4 toys from 30p each for one month.