Relate Avon

We are Relationship Specialists. An independent local charity providing Relationship Counselling, Family Counselling and Sex Therapy. Our counsellors are highly trained and fully supervised. You do not need a GP referral and can come on your own or with a partner.

Relationship Counselling. Relationship Counselling (or Couples Therapy) offers a caring, confidential and supportive space in which you can examine problems and think about ways to address them. You can come on your own or with a partner.

You will be helped to explore your story, what the problems are, what impact they’re having on you and your relationships, and what changes you’d like to happen.  Your counsellor will help you gain insights, develop tools and techniques, and find the strength and resources within yourself and the relationship to resolve difficulties, or at least cope with them better.  If you’re coming to Relate as a couple, your counsellor will also help you to talk to each other in ways that will help you work through your problems together and build skills to help you tackle any future difficulties.

Our counsellors are trained to help people understand themselves better, relate better to others, work through things for themselves and make decisions about what next. 

Family Counselling. Family Counselling offers a caring, confidential and supportive environment in which you can examine problems within your family and think about ways to address them. You can come to Family Counselling alone or with other members of your family.  Typically we might see parents and/or step-parents with all or some of their children, adult siblings, or extended members of the family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.  We know that every family is different so Relate Avon’s Family Counselling is flexible and can include anyone you describe as family, including friends.

We can work with you to decide how often you and your family can attend. Whatever the issues, your counsellor will not judge you and whatever you say will be treated confidentially.

Sex Therapy. Most people have a problem with sex at some point in their life. Sometimes dealing with these issues alone can cause distress and unhappiness.  A sex therapist will help you work through your difficulties so that you can start enjoying sex again.  

Sex therapy has been around for over 50 years. Also known as psychosexual therapy, it’s a special type of counselling that helps couples and individuals with problems and concerns in their sex life. It can be incredibly rewarding.

You’ll see a fully qualified relationship counsellor who’s undertaken additional training in the physical, emotional and psychological issues around sex. They’re also trained to help put you at your ease, as talking to a total stranger about your sex problems is a daunting prospect for anyone! But it might just be what you need.