We Work For Everyone

If you are looking for work and have a learning difficulty or you are autistic, we can help. Our dedicated Employment Navigators can support you to find a way into paid work.

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The WE WORK for Everyone programme provides one to one support to help you into paid employment.

How it works

You will be assigned an experienced employment navigator, who will work with you to develop a personalised plan to find employment. Navigators for B&NES are Nikki Dimond, Scott Denby and Gavin Salter.

Your navigator will work with you to:

  • assess your needs
  • find out what you want to achieve
  • find the right training opportunities
  • provide support to training
  • support the application process
  • prepare for interviews

When you have successfully found paid employment, we will continue to support you in your new role. Our employment navigators will be with you every step of the way, using a person-centred approach to help you feel comfortable and confident.

For a referral form, please select the email WE WORK requesting a B&NES Referral Form and one will be sent back to you.