
Information about learning, skills and training for children and young people with SEND

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    The Active Way

    | Tel: 01225395205

    The Active Way is a three-year pilot project delivered by Bath and North East Somerset Council, offering FREE social prescribing activities to increase your health and well-being through active travel.

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    All-Aboard Watersports - Sailability, Paddleability & Powerability

    | Tel: 07712661068

    All-Aboard is an accessible watersports centre, based on Bristol Harbour. We are dedicated to removing barriers so everyone has the same opportunities to benefit from watersports. We offer a range of services for people with disabilities. We can support individuals with disabilities in mainstream sessions, offer private group sessions and have sessions only for people with disabilities. Our Sailability sessions are perfect for disabled people wanting to learn and try our watersports. We are offering accessible sailing, paddling and powerboat trips.

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    All-Aboard Watersports - Visual Impairment Friendly Rowing

    | Tel: 07712661068

    All-Aboard is an accessible watersports charity based in Bristol Harbour, dedicated to removing barriers so everyone can enjoy the benefits of watersports. We have currently launched a Rowing project for people with Visual Impairments where adults and young people can learn to row in Bristol Harbour with the support of friendly and experienced volunteers.

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    Autism Supported Housing

    | Tel: 01225 424428

    We offer an 8-bed supported housing project in Bath for Adults with a diagnosis of Autism. The intention is for all residents to move into independent living within two years.

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    Bath Frame Running Club

    Frame Running consists of participants sitting on a tricycle-like frame, who are strapped around their torso, and who use their feet instead of pedals to walk or run. It is a sport for people with lower body mobility issues.

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    Bath Mencap - Junior Gateway

    | Tel: 07465 932301

    We are a weekly youth club for disabled, disadvantaged and other children, from 7 to 18 years of age, living in Bath and surrounding areas; including Bristol, Wiltshire and Mendip.