Bright Futures

Bright Futures coaches and empowers young people with simple Mental Fitness Tools to 'Create happiness without a Filter!' We take awareness of Mental Health to a useful, empowering level, providing everyday essential tools to manage and thrive throughout life's ups and downs. All of the young people we work with describe the feeling of being lost, stuck in fog and unable to take positive steps forward into the next chapter of their life. Through a combination of 1:1 work, access to our online membership with young person, family and other professionals so we coach mental fitness to ensure a positive culture around them. We specialise in exploring how behaviour is communication and supporting young people through advocating and connecting professionals leads to successful outcomes of appropriate education that allows the young person to thrive. Our young people will have the opportunity to learn skills to build courage, resilience, and self-esteem, raise self-awareness and confidence. Helping to enhance well-being, improve overall effectiveness in day-to-day life and know the tools they can use to create their own bright future.

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Each Certified Mental Fitness Coach will guide young people through a transformational experience, creating a bespoke experience for each young person. It's a positive process where they'll feel empowered to gain a sense of control back in their life and be guided to work together to create their own Bright Futures.

​1:1 in person /online private weekly Coaching alongside the online Mental Fitness Membership educates them on simple and effective Mental Fitness Tools.  Inspired by the coaching methods of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP for short)

Bespoke Mental Fitness Coaching can be a rolling program, we require a minimum of 12 weekly sessions, plus they can have 12 months online access to our website and our own Mental Fitness Membership for self and 2x family members. Each weekly session; Up to 2.5 hours (includes professionals meetings & parental coaching) .