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Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Services


Information and signposting to support young people with their wellbeing and mental health.

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    Anxiety UK

    | Tel: 03444 775774

    Anxiety UK is a national registered charity for those affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety based depression.

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    AWP Individual Placement Support (IPS)

    | Tel: 01380 737676 or 07554116143

    Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a specialist employment service delivered by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership.

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    BaNES Talking Therapies

    | Tel: 01225 675150

    NHS BaNES Talking Therapies aims to help people access support for a range of common mental health problems.

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    Bath City Farm

    | Tel: 01225 481 269

    Situated on a beautiful 37-acre site, Bath City Farm is a working Farm, that’s also a much loved charity and a popular visitor attraction too. We provide education, training and therapeutic activities to people in the local community.

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    Bath Mind Breathing Space Crisis Support

    | Tel: 0808 175 1369

    Bath Mind's Breathing Space service is a face-to-face service in central Bath offering calm, non-clinical support for individuals experiencing poor mental health, struggling with emotional distress, suicidal ideation or feelings of overwhelm. Staffed by a team with a broad range of experience in mental health issues, the services offers a compassionate listening ear and signposting to relevant services.

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    Bath Mind - Mental Health Services

    Bath Mind are the local mental health charity for Bath and North East Somerset. Their mission is to make sure that everyone with, or at risk of, mental ill health has somewhere to turn to for information, advice and support.

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    Bath Mind - Wellbeing Groups

    Bath Mind's wellbeing groups support hundreds of people across B&NES in creating new connections and support systems. There is an array of weekly activities and projects available. Each group is supported by at least one Bath Mind staff member and/or volunteer who facilitate the group and support group members with their wellbeing needs.

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    Bath Samaritans

    | Tel: 0796628961

    Our vision is that fewer people die by suicide but we are here, day and night, for anyone struggling to cope or just needs someone to talk to. Bath Samaritans is here to help our local community giving people time to explore their feelings in a confidential environment.

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    BEAT Eating Disorders

    | Tel: 0808 801 0677

    Supporting individuals with eating disorders, and providing information and education around eating disorders.