Health (14-25)

Information about planning for ongoing health care in adulthood, including mental, physical and medical.

If you are a young person (aged 14+) with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, supporting you to maintain good health in adulthood is a key part of the annual review process for your EHCP.

You may currently be receiving support from a Paediatrician and this support ends at 18. The person who will need to know about your health needs when you turn 18 is your General Practitioner (GP), and you can register with a local GP on the NHS website.

Things to think about as your prepare for independence:

  • Do you fully understand your condition? 
  • Are you aware of the support you need to maintain good health?
  • What needs to happen for you to stay as healthy as possible? 
  • Do you need a Health Support Plan? 
  • What will happen to any equipment? 
  • Is a Hospital Passport needed? 
  • Can you get annual health checks via your GP? Find out more about Annual Health Checks.  
  • What are the discharge dates from Children’s Services and who will take over any therapies in adult life? 
  • Will any existing paid supporters continue to support them when they are 18?

Although you will continue to be supported in all areas of need as you prepare for adulthood some of these service providers may change so it's important to have these conversations early on to ensure they are in place when you reach 18. You can talk to your parent carer, support worker, or an adult who knows you well to help you consider the above.

You may find a communications passport helps you to share important information about you, and what works best for you. You may find it useful to fill this in and keep a copy with you incase you need it. 

A Hospital Passport may be useful to have with you when you begin to visit the GP or medical professional, until they get to know you. This details a bit about you, your likes and dislikes, how you prefer to communicate and any concerns you may have. You can download a hospital passport template below. 

Hospital Passport (for older young people)

Hospital Passport (for younger people)

Providers and Services to support good health for young people

You can find universal information relating to promoting wellbeing and healthy lifestyle by exploring the Young People's pages on Live Well B&NES. Types of groups include counselling, support groups,  physical activities and social groups.

Your mental health is important, and we signpost to a variety of local services you can access to help you manage this. Visit the Mental Health and Wellbeing pages for more information.

Health Providers

You can find details of all Children and Young People's Health Services by visiting the NHS Community Care and Health Services for B&NES webpage.

For adults with Learning Disabilities, the Community Care and Health Services have a full list of services they offer to support individuals. 

Information, Advice and Support

If you have any particular queries about health provision for young people with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities in Bath and North East Somerset and would like impartial information please contact Sendias BathNES. They offer support directly to young people, but also to parents and carers.

To get in touch with them you can call 01225 394382 or use their online contact form