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Information relevant to young people in year 9 and above to support you to prepare for adulthood.
Information about what preparing for adulthood means for you, as you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and are aged 14 years or older.
Explore your options beyond secondary education (post-16), including information about Supported Internships.
Further information about benefits and accessible funding.
This page shares information to help you develop and maintain positive relationships, and signposts to activities and social groups in our local area.
Information about planning for ongoing health care in adulthood, including mental, physical and medical.
Information about living independently within Bath and North East Somerset.
Information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND and their parent/carers, including information about mediation and complaints.
Information about transitioning from Children's social care to Adult's social care, and planning for next steps beyond age 16 relating to education, training or employment.
Signposting to services and support (including travel cards) as you develop your independent travel skills.