Housing and local support

Information about living independently within Bath and North East Somerset.

As you approach adulthood it's important to think about the skills you will need to learn to be able to live independently. Your parent or carer will be able to support you with this, and by working on key skills such as preparing and cooking a meal, managing your money, or using public transport independently will all make you feel more confident.

Staying away from home

Short Breaks offer the opportunity to experience staying away from home within a safe space and may take place in a community activity setting, another person's home or other residential setting. 

Thinking about where you want to live, and who with

Your annual reviews will allow you and those people supporting you to look at your wishes and hopes around where you would like to live and what this might look like.

For young people with complex needs it is especially important that you work with professionals supporting you to identify specific housing needs early and begin planning at the earliest possible stages.

There are a number of housing options and support for young people with additional needs:

You can find universal information on housing options and available support on our Housing Options and Support pages.

You may also like to explore our Adults information pages for ongoing support throughout adulthood.