Transitions Planning for education, training or employment beyond age 16

From year 9 you will begin to think about your next steps beyond education. Here we explore some of the things you can begin to think about and how you can prepare for them.

You will begin to think about your future plans and aspirations in year nine, as part of your annual review. At this point you could complete a One Page Profile to outline what is important to you. 

You will complete a My Future My Choice document which records this and helps inform your next steps.

The earlier you begin to think about what you would like to do after you finish secondary school, the more time you will have to consider your options and put plans in place. 

Most young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities want to be employed once they become adults, and we want to support you to reach your goals.

In year 10 you may be thinking about gaining some work-experience, and we want to make sure that work placements are relevant and match your aspirations, interests and skills. To understand these fully we may suggest you complete a vocational profile. This helps people around you to understand how they can help you develop the skills and to identify ways in which they can support you in reaching your goals. 

The information from the profile can be used to support career planning, work experience, weekend jobs, holiday jobs and volunteering opportunities.

There are lots of organisations who offer part time work or volunteering roles to enable you to gain work experience. Explore the Learning, Skills and Training directory to find services that are of interest to you and get in touch with them to ask about their opportunities. 

We suggest that you visit colleges and post 16 providers with your parent or carers early on to get an idea what is available.

Your Pathway is a printed document produced by Youth Connect South West that helps you to identify your post-16 options for education and careers. You can request a copy by contacting Youth Connect South West (

There are regular Transitions Fairs that take place in Bath and North East Somerset and we will share details of these on this page as they become available.

Sendias have produced a Transitions video following Lucia, as she talks about her transition through education, work placements, internships and eventually paid employment. 

You can Lucia's video 'Transitions' by visiting Sendias Bathnes You Tube Page.