Portage Home Learning

A 10-to-12 week one-to-one educational home learning programme for young children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Working to empower parents or carers, it focusses on developing their child’s play, communication, learning and relationships. Delivered by trained Portage practitioners as part of Bright Start Children’s Centre Services.

Portage Home Learning is particularly useful for children who: 
• Have an identified SEND needs, or 
• Have a significant delay in their development. 

What is Portage?

  • Portage is a home-visiting service for young children who have special educational and or additional needs
  • It is based on regular visits to your home by a trained Portage practitioner
  • Working in partnership with you and other professionals to ensure we are all working together for improved outcomes for your child
  • Focusing on what your child “can do” and empowering you to build on your child’s strengths
  • Learning through play and having fun
  • Celebrating success
  • A referral only service (please speak to your Health Visitor or early years provider, or contact us on the number below)


Who can Portage help?

  • Children who have an identified disability or diagnosis
  • Children with significant developmental delay which have been referred to specialist health services
  • Children who have accessed Therapy Boost
  • Child is accessing Community Paediatrician
  • Child in receipt of SEND Inclusion / Transition Support Funding
  • Child is accessing complex needs speech and language team


How does Portage work?

  • An initial home visit to meet with you and complete paperwork
  • 10-12 weekly home visits
  • Home Learning activities with time to play together and discuss what you want your child to achieve
  • Effective communication with other professionals involved with you and your family
  • Organising and / or support at Team Around the Child / Family (TAC/F) and other meetings
  • Most importantly, Have fun!!