Support our Rainbow Resource Scheme

If your organisation offers an inclusive environment to all, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, we invite you to support more families by joining our Rainbow Resource Scheme.

In Bath & North East Somerset we are passionate about supporting families of young people aged 0-25 years who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities through information sharing, signposting, and supporting them in their daily lives. We are keen to ensure all families are able to access opportunities that will enhance their child's experiences and enable them to feel included within their community.

What do you need to offer to support the scheme?

You can support the Rainbow Resource Scheme by offering any (and not necessarily all) of the following:

  • Concession for individuals with a Special Educational Needs and/or Disability;
  • Concession for a Carer;
  • Separate quiet space;
  • Adapted sessions to cater for those with sensory needs;
  • Support to families in the event they require assistance while visiting your venue.

Hannah Douglas from Avon Valley Adventure Park talks more about how and why they support the scheme in the short video below.

Why do we offer Rainbow Resource Scheme to families?

The Rainbow Resource Scheme was borne out of a desire to offer a practical way of supporting families whilst out on day trips and attending activities, which are a big part of family life. Our families have told us how they sometimes experience last-minute changes to plans, due to their child's needs. This can have a financial impact and once this financial impact becomes too great a risk, can lead to isolation and a reluctance to venture to attractions and venues as the risk of losing money in the event of needing to leave early can have a huge impact on families. To help support families with a SEND child, many of the attractions already supporting the scheme offer Parent Carers free access when they attend their venue with their young person.

"A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support." (

What are the benefits to your venue?

There is a positive impact for businesses when they adapt to and create an inclusive environment for those families with a member who has a disability. Find out more about the power of the purple pound on The Purple Pound website.

In addition to the financial support this scheme offers Parent Carers, it also offers the reassurance that they can quickly and discreetly verify their child's additional needs without having to share personal details in the form of a DLA letter, NHS letter or the like.

'My 5-year-old son has Autism and recently went on his first ever school trip. I was so anxious about him going, but I was so thankful to be able to pass his Rainbow Resource card to his TA to enable him to get the most out of a big day for him'. (A Bath & North East Somerset Parent Carer)

We regularly share with our members, a list of organisations who support the Rainbow Resource Scheme and promote their organisations and events on our Live Well B&NES Facebook page for free.

We process each application individually, verifying the child/young person's additional needs before issuing the young person with their Rainbow Resource membership card. You can find out more about this process on our Rainbow Resource Scheme page.

What can you do next?

If you would like to join us and other venues/attractions across the south west in supporting the families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), please get in touch, we'd love to work with you.