RNIB Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)

Information and support for people affected by sight loss, available both for people attending the RUH Eye Clinic and also for those who do not.

There is an Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) based at the RUH. Their role is to provide information and support to people who are affected by sight loss, and to act as a link between the eye clinic and community services. The aim is to promote people's safety, independence and wellbeing. This includes guidance related to eye conditions, aids and equipment, technology, welfare benefits and concessions, employment support, emotional support, social opportunities, large print and audio reading options and more. They also support with the Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI) process. 

The ECLO can be contacted by email, see contact details linked to this entry. Alternatively you can call the Eye Clinic and ask for the ECLO to call you back. For more information, please visit the RNIB website.

Opening hours
