Prevention and keeping well Find organisations, activities and services that can support you to maintain your wellbeing and physical health. Long term conditions and disabilities Support and information for a range of diagnosed health conditions and disabilities, including cancer and dementia, and services for people with learning disabilities. Growing older Get information to help you if you are living with frailty, including about falls, bladder and bowel issues and how to find local support Mental Health Mental health support and information for adults. Relationships and sexual health Information to support you with your sexual health and relationships. Discharge from hospital Use this page to find out information and your options when being discharged from hospital, or to prevent hospital admission. Addiction Find information and help with addiction including drug and alcohol use, stop smoking support and information about vaping. Learning disabilities Find help, support, and services for people with learning disabilities. End of life care Find help and support for people who are in the last months or years of their life.