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We have over 200 childcare providers listed throughout Bath and North East Somerset, all of which are Ofsted registered. Use the search below to find childcare providers in your area.
Please note: We don’t provide information about every childminder in Bath & North East Somerset. This is because there are some childminders who do not wish for their details to be made available publicly; because they currently have no vacancies or other personal reasons. We ask all childcare providers to add a link to their Local Offer document for children with SEND within their listing. If they have not added this on their listing, please contact the provider directly.
Displaying 101 - 110 of 268
Laurel Farm Kindergarten is a wonderfully nurturing Steiner setting for children aged 2 - 7 years.
View ProviderI have 30 years experience in childcare and education. My aim is to provide your child/ren with a comfortable home from home environment.
View ProviderI live in a 4 bedroomed family home with my husband Richard and 3 children. I was awarded 'OUTSTANDING' for my last 2 inspections by Ofsted.
View ProviderLittle Blossoms Nursery School, is a nursery and preschool based in the south side of Bath, with easy links to the town centre and the A4.
View ProviderLittle Scribblers Day Nursery - Registered After School Club
View ProviderWe have 20 places available for children aged 18 months - 8. Ofsted have graded us as a good setting with OUTSTANDING partnerships with parents.
View ProviderWe fully endorse the EYFS framework and have child led play and learning.
View ProviderLittle Willows is 66 place nursery, taking children from 12 weeks to 12 years. We believe that every child matters and their individuality should be embraced and respected.
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