What is ADHD?
ADHD is a condition that can affect children and adults.
Typical behaviour of someone with ADHD includes restlessness, impulsive behaviour (acting before considering consequences) and difficulty in concentrating for periods of time. It is a lifelong condition however it can be effectively managed. Often ADHD can be identified as hereditary, but not always.
Professionals working with your child will be able to identify any number of features of ADHD, and these will combine to determine a diagnosis. These behaviours may include any of the following:
- Lack of attention and focus
- Doesn't appear to listen to instructions
- Not following instructions or not completing activities
- Difficulty with organisation
- Avoiding certain tasks by diverting attention elsewhere
- Often losing or misplacing tools and materials (including pencils, books etc)
- Hyperactivity
- Fidgety
- Talking excessively
- Interrupts others
- Difficulty waiting their turn
Please note this is not a definitive list, each person is unique and may not display all of the above behaviours.
If you suspect that your child may be ADHD, or is displaying features of ADHD, your first step would be to speak to your Health Visitor, GP, nursery manager, school teacher or SENCo (Special Education Needs Co-ordinator), who may refer for assessment.
Identification of needs - The Neurodevelopmental Pathway
B&NES Community Health Services (HCRG) Neurodevelopmental Pathway provides an assessment-only service for children and young people who are showing possible signs of autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It will also support children and young people who are on ADHD medication reviews. The service covers Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) and Wiltshire.
The service is a team of Neurodevelopmental Practitioners including, a Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Community Paediatricians, Specialist Speech and Language Therapists and Specialists Nurses. Care Navigators also provide support during the assessment pathway. They all have experience of working with neuro-divergent children and young people.
Find out more about the Neurodevelopmental Pathway or watch the steps of the Neurodevelopmental Pathway videos.
In B&NES there is a Single Point of Access route for general enquiries about Community Health Services, or to make a referral, including for an ADHD assessment. Contact the Care Coordination Centre:
0300 247 0055
Email: hcrg.bathnesspa@nhs.net
Information for Parent Carers
The Neurodevelopmental Pathway
ADDISS have some helpful information about ADHD, including identifying features of ADHD, symptoms and how the condition is diagnosed.
Parenting a child or young person can be challenging, and it's important to recognise your young person's behaviours are not through choice, neither is it a reflection on your parenting.
CHADD have some suggestions on how to talk to your child about ADHD. Some great tips are:
- ADHD is a part of you, but it doesn't define who you are or will be;
- You may find some things harder than your friends, but we will work together to help you find ways to manage this;
- Your brain may work a little faster than others, and we'll work together with your teachers to find ways to embrace this;
- Lots of creative and brilliant people have ADHD, let's find out about them together;
- There are many positive traits to ADHD, we'll help you continue to develop your strengths and you will thrive with them.
Some daily activities may be more challenging to complete, such as food shopping, social occasions, bedtimes, working to timetables or schedules.
Action for Children have some suggestions on things you could try at home to support you and your child's needs and manage their behaviours.
ADHD Foundation have a range of resources and articles covering a range of topics and areas you can support a child with ADHD.
ADDISS have shared clarification on some common myths surrounding ADHD on their complementary site ADHD is Real!
Head over to our ADHD support for young people pages to share information with your child about ADHD.
There are many SEND activities and groups available across Bath and North East Somerset that offer a welcoming, inclusive environment for young people with ADHD to socialise with peers. Explore the opportunities on the Social, Leisure and Community pages within the SEND Local Offer.
B&NES Parent Carer Forum Neurodevelopmental (ND) Pathway Support Line is a telephone and email support service for parents and carers navigating the ND assessment pathway, offering advice and understanding, including help in completing the needs led profile and submitting a referral for ND assessment.
SENDIAS BathNES offer free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people between the ages of 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers.
They can be contacted as follows:
Email: sendias@bathnes.gov.uk
Advice Line: 01225 394382
Textphone: 07530 263401