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Transition from Children's Social Care to Adult's Social Care

Information about what to expect as a child transitions into adult services.

A young person begins their transition into adult services from year 9 (age 14). At this point, a Transitions Assessment will be requested to understand the needs of the young person once they turn 18. This is required under the Care Act 2015 to ensure continuity of services and care during transition. 

What is a Transitions Assessment?

A Transitions Assessment is a way to establish a young person's needs and the support required beyond age 18, and to identify services that will need to be involved. A young person will continue to receive existing care and support from Children's Social Care whilst the Transitions Assessment is undertaken and until the required services from Adult Social Care are in place. 

A Transitions Assessment will be requested as part of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Annual Review. Alternatively an assessment can be requested any time before the young person turns 18. This ensures there is no gap in services received and plans are in place in advance. 

Contact A Family have a template letter you can download and use to request an assessment. 

The assessment will include a review of areas of support including:

  • health and social care
  • mental health
  • education
  • financial benefits for the young person and their family
  • work
  • housing

Child's Carers Assessment

Any carer of a young person with additional needs (including young carers who themselves are approaching the age of 18) are entitled to a Child's Carers Assessment, which will be undertaken to establish their needs in order to continue their caring roles. This assessment will take into account the carers wellbeing, any outcomes they would like to achieve, whether they are willing and able to care for the disabled adult and whether they would like to access work, education or training. 

What happens once the assessment is completed?

Once the young person's ongoing needs are established, a care and support plan will be created, including details of any personal budget or direct payment arrangements. Adult services will be identified and accessed, and you and your child will be supported as you familiarise yourself with those services and any new key workers.

For carers, a care and support plan will also be drawn up highlighting any identified outcomes, how they can be realised and any support that is needed to make that happen (including funding support). 

Making decisions

Any young person over the age of 16 is deemed as having mental capacity to make important decisions about their life and choices (Mental Capacity Act). In the event a disabled young person lacks capacity for this, any decisions made in relation to them must be made in their best interests. Appropriate methods should be taken to gather the young person's views, wishes and feelings, as well as the views of anyone caring for the young person. 

Mencap have a Mental Capacity Act guide for parent carers which can be found on their website.


Sometimes people need help expressing their wishes or understanding information around health and care support decisions. An advocate is someone who can help with this. Find out more on the Advocacy pages on website. 

Funding for Adult Services

Once a person turns 18 their services are funded by adult social care, and funding will be assessed using the young adults income as opposed to their parent carers. 

You can find more information about funding these services by visiting the Paying for Care and Support pages within the Adults section of Live Well B&NES. 

More information about Preparing for Adulthood

You can find more information on the Preparing for Adulthood section of Live Well B&NES. You will find information relating to post 16 education, training and employment options, social opportunities, health support, housing options, and travel and transport.