Professionals general information

This page is for professionals working with children/ young people with SEND or additional needs. Parents are welcome to look through.

Bath and North East Somerset Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) have lots of safeguarding resources for professionals working with children, have a look under the I am a Professional section. 

Specific pages relating to SEND for professionals

Short Breaks for Disabled Children (and those with SEND)

For details of all the Short Breaks offered to children/young people in B&NES who are disabled or have a SEND see our dedicated Short Breaks page.

BAPP Holiday Playschemes are inclusive holiday opportunities for young people with SEND and their families. 

Training for professionals working with Children and Young People

Have a look at the Children’s Workforce Training on the Learning Zone and The Hub for details of training for professionals working with children and young people in B&NES. 

Contact details for other professionals

Bath Area Play Project (for Short Break information) 
01225 832497

Single Point of Access for Children's Services

To refer to any children's services provided by B&NES Community Health Services, you should follow the following route:

  • Telephone: 0300 247 0055
  • Email:

HCRG Children's Learning Disability Services

0300 247 0055

Children's Health Services

Community Learning Disabilities Nursing Service 
01225 831 721

Disabled Children’s Team  or
01225 396989

Early Years Area SENCo Team 
01225 396912

SEN Team
Contact the SEND Service  
01225 394306

Sendias Bathnes
01225 394382

Specialist Autism Support Service
01761 412198

Brighter Futures 
01225 838070

Funding information

Disability Access Funding (DAF)

The Disability Access Fund (DAF) is for early years providers to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  The DAF aids access to early years places by, for example, supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings, purchasing specialist equipment and/or seeking specialised training that would support providers to meet the child’s needs.  3 and 4 year olds will be eligible for the DAF if they meet the following criteria:

  • the child is in receipt of child disability living allowance (DLA) and;
  • the child receives their three year early years entitlement. 

For more information regarding the funding and how to request payment can be found on the DAF page

Early Years Childcare Funding

Find out more about funded childcare early years entitlement on our Childcare Costs pages.

Benefits and Funding

Support parent carers by signposting to information about benefits and funding they may be able to access.

Childcare Providers

You can find details of Ofsted registered childcare providers (Nursery, Childminder, Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Clubs) in Bath and North East Somerset on the Children and Families section of the website.  

Children's Centres

Bright Start Children's Centre Portage

Bright Start Children's Centre Portage is a 10-12 week home-based educational programme supporting parents with children (0 – 5 years) with Special educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) to further develop their play, communication, relationships, and learning.
We offer one to one support in a parent/carers home with one of our Portage-trained Outreach Workers.

This includes:

  • Developing suitable play activities that they can continue to use with their child in the home;
  • Setting small, achievable targets for their child specific to their individual needs;
  • Working alongside an assessment tool to monitor the child’s progress and achievements;
  • Signposting parent/carers to other services available.

The child’s learning and development is captured through a ‘Learning through Play’ Diary and ACE (Accounting for Lifelong Learning) Toolkit, which focuses on each child's strengths.

Working with other professionals to ensure a joined up approach for parent/carers and their child.

To find out more about Portage Home Learning visit or contact your local Bright Start Children's Centre:

Radstock Hub

Hope House Centre, 10 Waterloo Road, Radstock BA3 3EP

Telephone: 01225 396660

Keynsham Hub

65 West View Road, Keynsham BS31 2UE

Telephone: 01225 395400


Alternatively visit our website; to download a 'Request for Support' form.

SEND strategies and Policies

SEND Education Strategy 2020-2023

Please see below our B&NES SEND Education Strategy 2020-2023, outlining our priorities for SEND in the local area over the next three years. 

Self Evaluation Framework for SEND & AP

B&NES Self Evaluation Framework for SEND & AP August 2024

Local First Framework

West of England Local First Framework

B&NES Local First 2023/24 - Parent Carer guide

Downloadable versions: