Sensory loss

Search for help with sensory loss such as hearing, vision, or speech.


Displaying 11 - 16 of 16

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    MECC Link

    Simple signposting to better health and wellbeing

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    The National Deaf Children's Society

    Supporting families of children with hearing loss, from diagnosis to financial signposting, communication and language development and throughout stages of life.

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    RNIB Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)

    | Tel: 01225 824602

    Information and support for people affected by sight loss, available both for people attending the RUH Eye Clinic and also for those who do not.

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    Sight Support West of England

    | Tel: 01173224885

    Sight Support is the local charity offering information and support to anyone who is blind or partially sighted living in Banes.

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    | Tel: 0114 250 9933

    A national charity supporting the tinnitus community in the UK and farther afield for over 40 years.