Displaying 1 - 10 of 38
Academy21: Supporting Your Child's Education Journey
| Tel: 01174 714511
Academy21 is a part of the Inspired Online Schools Group, which is the largest provider of live, online primary, and secondary education in the UK. We were the first online alternative provision to be accredited by the DFE as part of the Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS). This scheme is a quality mark that assures schools, local authorities, families and students that the accredited provision meets the highest standards of teaching, safeguarding, and overall student welfare. We work collaboratively to ensure that all children and young people placed with us receive the education they need and deserve, with tailored timetables, the right balance of subjects and SEN or additional needs catered for. We work with a range of learners from broad and diverse backgrounds including, but not limited to: • EBSA & school refusal • Medical needs • Challenging behaviours • Excluded or at risk of exclusion • Teenage parents • GCSE rescue/resits
Against the Grain AP
| Tel: 07887750493
All experiences will be bespoke and based around the outcomes on the EHCP. We will deliver sessions based around developing young people’s independence and confidence and accessing the community from a ‘home like’ learning base just outside of Bath
Alternative Education (Youth Connect South West)
| Tel: 01225 396980
At YCSW we offer dynamic Alternative Education programmes for young people who cannot access mainstream education and have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). These programmes are run in partnership with B&NES Council and Bath College.
Alternative Learning Hub (Bath Rugby Foundation)
| Tel: 07741882374
Education for 12-16 year olds finding traditional schooling too challenging. Specialising in engaging those who are school avoidant or struggling to engage in a community. We help develop young people to a position to willingly engage in learning
Arise ALP
| Tel: 07511568953
Set within the therapeutic surroundings of Hartcliffe City Farm, Arise ALP offers 1:1 mentoring and alternative education for young people who are struggling to engage in a mainstream setting. We have a bespoke curriculum offer that is designed to cater for the individual needs of the students and has a strong focus on delivering quality academic sessions every morning. This is supplemented with an innovative and engaging vocational offer which is catered towards the individual interests and goals of the students We put the safety of our students at the heart of everything we do and build strong relationships with students, parents/carers, commissioning bodies and other professionals to ensure that our safeguarding is robust.
BAPP SEND Alternative Provision
| Tel: 01225832479
Bath Area Play Project are an Ofsted registered, trusted charity and third sector organisation established over 40 years ago. We recognise the powerful impact and value that play has for children experiencing adverse experiences, using a therapeutic, trauma informed playful approach to supporting children to develop resilience. We recognise the importance of self-directed play for children’s development and facilitate a range of play based opportunities, often outdoors that support and enrich children’s wellbeing and capacity to learn. As a child-centred organisation with a strong inclusive ethos, our staff advocate for, listen and respond to children’s voices embedding these principles using the power of play as a catalyst for positive change.
Bath City Farm Alternative Provision
| Tel: 01225481269
A child centred alternative provision program across our 37-acre farm site, where animals, gardening and nature shape our planning and support pupil’s growth. Suitable for children and young people aged 5 - 18+ with varying needs including SEND, SEMH and behaviour challenges. Sessions are led by an experienced session leader who devises a flexible, nurturing program that works on building trust and relationships with the young people.
Compass Alternative Provision
| Tel: 07985672819
An alternative provision that puts the education first. Compass understands that not all class rooms should have four walls so using our 4 different locations we engage and inspire through our AQA courses putting the child in the Centre of our approach.
Conrad Hartmann
| Tel: 07969891087
Highly specialist support and advocacy for autistic young people, those with complex presentations including dual diagnosis with ADHD or PDA behaviour profiles and those on the neurodevelopmental pathways. These young people are currently considered to be in "autistic burnout." and are not attending or struggling to attend school/college or engage with other professionals. Support is tailored to each individual using a consistent and needs led approach in the home, school or community. This enables the young people to be supported through burnout and supports them to access education when they are ready to do so. Support and advice is also given to parents, schools and professionals on how to best support the young person through their "burnout"
| Tel: 07906330697
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am -3pm. Full days of project-based learning and outdoor natured-based education. We incorporate art and science as routes to learning collaboratively and understanding ourselves better.